Sunday, September 9, 2007
it's been over a month since my last post. many things have happened. i have finally settled myself in Cebu and acclimatized to the ways of the city ( well, kinda learning still).
to those who are asking what the heck am i here for? i'm working's kinda difficult starting all over again. i'm currently on training at Convergys, a call center. See, i had a hard time adjusting to the changes but i did fine. Now, my laugh echoes all over the place unlike the first week of training when i hardly speak at all for fear that my saliva stinks after long hours of utter muteness. Now, im doin great. I passed, with the rest of my wavemates, the first phase of the training. Yes, we all passed because we know we all have to pass. Or else, we'd have think of where to apply next.
It's great meeting new people. I am glad getting to know my wavemates - of different ages and background. The good thing is no one is treated royally during the training. Whether you are a former executive, business man, a student, a banker ( in my case), an ace student, an experienced call center agent - it doesnt matter. We are all the same. We are all learning the same things - no special treatment. What i love best, however, is knowing the lives of others. I learned that we all have our stories to tell. Even the most aloof in the room has an interesting story to share. And i could easily identify with their stories - their family issues, their personal devils, their inner battles, the things they hold dearly. There were teary moments and hearty laughs to spice up the two-week training and though we think we deserve a much needed pat on the back for a job well done, another month of training will face us. They say it's the harder part. It's ok though as long as the wave is complete. We are made of hard matter - nothing could break us (let's see guys).
Talking about my life....
It was my birthday last Sept 3. I'm impecunious these days as you all know. Living here is expensive. There is not a thing you can do that does not involve money. Well, except of course sleeping which has become a favorite pastime. LOL....And so as not to spend a penny, I slept the rest of the day after my shift on my birthday. Please, i dont need your pity. I was in fact glad that i survived it and didn't feel sorry at all for myself. It felt good to know that I could choose for myself without freakin out about what others have to say and think....because in the end, it's all about me. And it's my birthday.
Thanks to all those who hollered on my birthday on friendster and on text. Thank you guys for remembering...haha
I think this is getting very long...will try to be here frequently. I have lots to talk about...
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6:31 AM