i am learning peacefulness
in the captured moments
of my lenses that never tire
of observing, absorbing, seeping
each drop of life.
i am trying serenity
on days that dampen my spirit
and on nights when moon
descends and sits on my shoulders
to rest.
i am searching for tranquility
in people whose lives
intertwine with mine
and whose stories are a struggle
for that hallowed sphere
of placid living.
i am learning peacefulness.
nov. 3, 2007/inmyroom
Sunday, November 4, 2007
Since my USB hasn't found its way yet back into my hands (sob), I still can't post the pictures of my latest wanderings in Cebu. Thus, to fill the gap, I am posting the poem that I recently wrote. I am not in the happiest of moods when I rolled the ink on paper so they aren't too 'sunshiney' at all. It's better though than not posting anything at all. I am so excited to post my photos daggumit!
kill the loneliness
murder the doubts
unleash the sharp knife
of a caged spirit
and enjoy the carnage,
the bloodfest.
rise above the tide
of fear and extricate
from its thorned handcuffs.
claim liberty
whatever the cost
and aim for the light.
vendetta splurging
on the alley of life.
kill. kill. kill.
conquer and regain
the holy, placid
state of being.
Oct. 31, 2007/9am/inmyroom
Posted by
8:48 PM
Up To The Mountain and Patty Griffin
Few months back I discovered a very beautiful song performed by Kelly Clarkson at the Grand Finale of American Idol Season 6. It gave me goosebumps when I heard the song so I searched for it and found out it was penned and originally sung by Patty Griffin. Since then, I have become a big fan of Patty Griffin. Her lyrics, her voice and most of all her lyrics have a particular tug in the heart that either makes you cling to your pillow and start dreaming or grab a pen and unleash that poet in you. She is an inspiration to listen to. I hope you will get to know her too!
Posted by
8:30 PM
Go forth and MULTIPLY!
Yipee!!... I just got a multiply account! At last! After all the invites by friends who have been hooked to it a long-time now. It's way better than friendster though friendster has lots more of loyalists. Do try multiply and see for yourself why its better (it's still in the gaining-the-popularity stage so don't expect all your friends to be there) What i like about Multiply is you can organize all your favorites in your account - your profile, photos, blog, groups and even all your favorite music and videos. It is much easier to keep files on the racks and get it if you wanna view them anytime. I am not that good with how it works but i will be learning the site. Yes, I'm still beginning! Haven't even started with my profile yet...
If you read this, go and multiply....and then add me..!
Posted by
8:03 PM