my long weekend
Friday Night
My officemate irina just got married, congratulations to her. I came to the realization that I am not getting any younger. People I know are either getting married, breaking up, having babies, and worse dying. I envy people who can make huge decisions for themselves – getting married for one. Maybe because I am presently at a crossroads right now and am about to make a decision that will change the course of my life. Sigh. Im not serious, am i?
Anyway, the above pic was taken at the event with ivee so. The fastest bank teller I’ve known – she counts money like a mean machine. Hahaha.. we had a blast at the party mainly because the food was great and we devoured four kinds of cake which for me is very rare since I’m not really a dessert fan.
Also, we went barhopping with my officemates. Four bars. Too bad we had a drink only at the last one we dropped by - Cool J. Fatcat was so jampacked when we arrived we had to sneak out. My officemates are not really into the night scene so they freaked out when they saw that much people in so small a place. Nevertheless, the vodka cruise made it a night. At 12:30AM they headed home. The party was yet to start for me. It's FatCat time. Partey starts at midnight at FatCat just so you know.Haha.
FATCAT - where beautiful people partey!!

If there is one place to visit in Dipolog on a Friday night, Fatcat would be it. It’s where beautiful people flock. Now im selling the place for free!!! Hahah!! My friends and I frequent the place and Fatcat never fails to entertain. Great music. Beautiful people. Beer at 35. and people don’t really care much. Self-centered, egoistic people don’t get noticed and it’s a good thing I bet.
I arrived at Fatcat at 12:30 AM. The place was reeking of beer, sweat and smoke. Most of all, nobody noticed. The party was in full blast. Evryone is dancing and house music is booming so loud i easily got in to a trance with the vibe. I went home with Nina and Nanoi, my Fatcat buddies, and went straight to the 'barbecuehan' for a few isaw, pork bbq and 3 servings of rice. i did not eat by the way. Too bad it rained so hard we had to wait for over half an hour to finally make that ride to our beds. Sigh! Thank good heavens we arrived safe and sound....But wet!
See you around pips..TI'm taking a hiatus soon from the party scene..haha..
UKAY-UKAY Sunday!!!
I went to an ukay2x shopping spree (that is if you consider a few shirts a spree at Dapitan yesterday and found great shirts. I hate the huggling part. But nevertheless, it was a nice trip down the ukay2 lane. I bought seven shirts.
The photo of me was take taken right inside St. James Church in Dapitan... well, you don't have to go to Europe to see magnificent churches ei?... The church boasts of its remarkable history etched on each stone that supports it. It even has a marker where Jose Rizal used to stand each Sunday to hear mass. I get goosebumps standing on the same spot. Everytime.
MONDAY? I just got my braces adjusted. Got green rubber bands hooked on it and voila! I look like i have veggies stucked on my teeth! What's that? Chopsuey?.. Green is my favorite color so that pretty much explains it.. Its much better than red. Otherwise, it would be blood painted all over my mouth...
I'm making this Monday night, June 12th, Independence day. I don't really feel nationalistic at all. Instead i'm stucked in here making this blog. It's work tomorrow once again. GRRRRRRR....i hate my job!!!! I'm's a long long story it would take days if i start talkin. so better save it for the next time...
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