to train myself sleeping for straight 8 hours with only an electric fan to fight the heat. My sleep during daytime is intermittent – divided in a series of naps. Dreams take a break in between naps and continue when I drift back into sleep. Reading books to tire my eyes don’t work anymore. And yes, I have no complains.
I have been thinking what to write in my blog. My life, no matter how much I try to believe it is inte
resting, isn’t interesting at all for people to even care about. I’m no celebrity. I don’t know the popular people. I am just a speck in a metropolis – anonymous. I love the anonymity and having a great time blending in the crowd where I am faceless, a stranger, a nobody. And from such thought I came up with an idea. Instead of writing about myself, I will write from now on about the city, the people, the culture, history and what-have-yous of the place I call my temporary home – Cebu City. I will be putting here stories of the places I went and things I saw and did. But it is no big project. I would like to make clear that this blog and its content is for personal consumption and thus I only have myself to please.
Starting off, I am currently living in Cebu City, working as a call center agent. I am renting a room in a building in Banawa, a ride away from office, Ayala Mall, Colon and Fuente Osmena. My room costs me P2,800.00 a month for rent plus my utility usages – power and water. I have a toilet inside my room so it explains why the price is cool with me. The building is made of concrete and the 2nd floor is divided into eighteen rooms. The ground floor is a warehouse I think of hardware materials – so I thought. I haven’t seen my neighbors yet – I mean their faces. It always seemed to me like when somebody is passing by the alley, doors are suddenly shut. I first suspected I’m the only one renting the whole 2nd level until one afternoon, I was awakened by loud chantings of the song Waiting in Vain by Bob Marley (MYMP version). It turned out a boardmate was celebrating a birthday party. Though I heard the videoke session and fought myself to sleep, i
never saw anyone when I took a peep of the alley. It’s weird because it seems like everybody is sneaking so as not to be seen.
Anyway, my room is painted green. It’s not a new building so it’s kinda dusty when I arrived. It’s big enough for me and my stuff. I can cook and play loud music (the hell cares, I ain’t seen anybody anyway). I don’t have much furniture except a table where I placed all my clothes on and two crappy chairs not fit for use. I now actually found a use for them. I put my television and dvd player on them! I bought a foam for me to sleep on – yes, I am sleeping on the floor ( no bed ). I have a big jealousy window so at daytime its very bright.i would have to cover it with two of my spare bed sheets to darken the room when I sleep during the day. And then I cover myself with my sheets and pretend that its nighttime. I can live without goingout as long as I have food inside the room. I have a tv, electric fan, rice
cooker, a super kalan, a sound surround speaker, dvd player, a laptop (w/o interenet) and the complete 10 seasons of Friends on dvd. I could stay all day watching tv or reading books or listening to music. I love my room though I badly need some furniture. Hmmm for instance, a table would be nice for me to eat my meal on. Or a chair for me to, well, sit! Worse I don't have a broom. My friend and colleague would always tease me he'd buy a broom for me when payday arrives ( Bem, I can't wait 'til Monday! Haha!) Anyhow, it’s what I can manage at the moment and I can very well live with that. I’m glad I found this apartment. I love living alone. I just love it when nobody cares. And when I need one, there’s always the cellphone.
(P.S. : the pic was taken when i just moved in. it should explain all the clutter and not really tidy look of the room. hehehe..)

I also have a flag in my room just to keep patriotism alive. Haha. My officemates can’t get over the idea why I have to hang a flag on my wall. “Leave it on the flagpole”, they’d say. Well, that’s just me. I love my flag.
The first sunrise that greeted me when I arrived in Cebu to work. Ain’t it nice? Taken at Pier 2, Cebu Port. It brought a fresh outlook of the future like it was holding a promise I’m yet to uncover. Got me into thinking how we easily associate meanings to things. It could’ve been just a sunrise and nothing but a sun rising everyday. But we prefer to believe its some work of cosmic power sending us messages we have to decipher. Hay, it’s really just a sunrise. I could go there again the same time and it’s the same sunrise.But then again maybe not.
With our trainer Andrew and Leslie are Barbie, moby, bem and me. We took our lunch at Da Vinci Pizza – one of the best pizzas in the city. When I say lunch – it’s our meal at midnight. It was such a treat. It’s a stone’s throw away from our office at Paseo Arcenas in Banawa so we didn’t really worry about getting back for time-in.
I rarely eat outside and if I do, Jollibee, McDonald's or Chowking are the most convenient to choose. Now though, I am starting to get a taste of Cebu food. I wish I really love food that much so that I'd really make it a point to visit all of Cebu's best. Too bad it's not really one of my favorite thing to do. I love strolling the city streets more. But hey, maybe my taste buds haven't really matured that much yet - maybe here they will with all the food and restaurants scattered 'round the city.
Interesting to know.
It's jalousie, not jealousy, window.
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