Thursday, January 31, 2008


i just saw the movie last night and it definitely was worth my time. it's one of those movies you don't expect much but makes you stay for a few minutes re-assessing your morals long after the credits have rolled on the screen. the movie is also the directorial debut of ben affleck ( ben hasnt been cashing in with the consecutive flops he has had on the big screen recently making directing a more convenient escape - and he is doing really well on this one). gone baby gone stars casey affleck, ben's brother, who is just right for the role. watch it and tell me whatyathink, whatyawudvdone etc...

hmmm, on a side note, a scene featured the STO. NINO in the movie. i took a screenshot of the featured image with my cellphone.

CAUTION: i am no movie critic..and the above is definitely NOT a just inviting you to watch the movie, that's all...

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