Sunday, October 5, 2008

DipoLog Boulevard

i went home again a few weeks back and for the few days i stayed, i made it a point to go to the boulevard every afternoon to watch the sunset or at least pass by the area to peek of the grand sunset that is a normal sight to Dipolognons (well not here in Cebu)...

i will be posting the sunsets soon but here are few photos i took on one of those days... i miss posting these because it reminds me how slow life is back home, how relaxed, how laidback...getting something or getting somewhere within the city could take no less than 5 thrilled to go home again...i hope this year....sob sob


Anonymous said...

sir... i like ur photo shots... gamay na lang kulang prof. photographer nka! :-)

chitru said...


hmmmm, change career na lang ko ani uie...hehehe....

miss u mam beth