Thursday, December 18, 2008


So this is how a mermaid looks like on land.....


Anonymous said...

Hi! I chanced on your blog via Ambibo. I must say, this mermaid would look better "under the sea". =P I noticed something too... she doesn't have a "center of the stomach". haha =P

chitru said...

hahahha....hmmmm....i didnt notice that...LOL...gotta check out the pic more closely real quick...tsktsk :)

Anonymous said...

Try to sleep at night on your side more regularly instead of lying on your back. Once you sleeping lying on your back, your mouth can drop to the rear of your tonsils, reducing the respiratory tract opening up and leading you to snore. Should you rest on your side, you will not have this challenge together with your mouth. [url=]eyua3422[/url]